
This method of income is recession-proof!This method of income is recession-proof!
Here are just a few of the many things that James will share with you... 

James will connect you with the key people at colleges that book speakers

  • Who the Key People Are at Colleges That Book Speakers for Campuses and College Conferences. Yes, there are key people who do this...A LOT of them! You just need to know who they are...and you will!
  • How You Can Easily Reach All of the Key People Who Are Already Booking Speakers at Colleges. There are several organizations that you can buy the contact information from on mailing labels or computer disks. You just need to know who they are...and you will!
  • The 10+ Different Departments at Each College That Have Well-Funded Budgets That Can Book You to Speak.
  • How to Get 3-4 Other Colleges to "block-book" You When You're in Their Area...so you can have 3-4 speaking engagements every time you take a trip.
  • How You Can Get Rebooked by the Same Colleges EVERY Year, Creating a Guaranteed Income Stream. (It's not that difficult)
  • How To Put Together the Correct Marketing Materials That Will Get You Noticed, Booked and Rebooked.

James does all the leg-work for you!

Forget about putting together thick speaking packets, expensive demo videos and fancy press kits like certain speakers associations and, so called, speaker coaches teach you to do. You don't need them. James began talking to the Key College Event Coordinators, some by phone and some in person, and he asked them to
tell him what they like to receive and don't like to receive. Many showed him actual examples of what they receive and he was amazed that THEY DIDN'T LIKE the majority of what they received. Guess where the ones they disliked went? That's right - the trash! An amazing thing happened when he started getting the right stuff to the right people at the right times of the year...he became flooded with calls and emails for bookings...and you can too!

Click to read how to get 2 additional bonus days!

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